Specifics on Specifications
January 4, 2024 at 12:38 AM
The root word of Specification is SPECIFIC.
When we are working with a strata client to develop a specification, when we reach the scope of work section, we drill down into the fine grain details to make ensure that the items to be repainted are all specifically stated.
Simply saying “paint all wood trim” will be interpreted differently by different estimators.
Some will include fencing, or possibly sheds, others will omit items with a different name like door frames. This all leads to a wide range in pricing and can result in conflict on site once the job is underway having to clarify what is included and what is not included, and if the contractor has accounted for what you thought was going to be painted.
Also, is it clearly stated who is paying for any access equipment or required rentals? Another big one is repairs. Is there enough money in the contingency to cover any expected (or unexpected) carpentry, concrete or sealant repairs?
When writing and delivering a scope of work for a painting project, we are very careful to ensure that all items to be included are specifically named in the document and outlined clearly to avoid any interpretation or assumptions. The goal should be to develop a specification that limits surprises and ensure that the contingency applied will cover any eventualities so that the strata council doesn’t have to go back to the owners and ask for more money to cover project costs that should have been accounted for at the beginning.
While most Project Managers for Painting Contractors will be able to deal with these items up front, it needs to be translated to the other estimators so that all the bids are apples to apples. If one or two of the bidders prefer oranges, things can get pretty messy.